The object of the Integral Yoga

The object is to enter and be possessed by the Divine Presence and Consciousness, to love the Divine for the Divine’s sake alone, to be tuned in our nature into the nature of the Divine, and in our will and works and life to be the instrument of the Divine. Its object is not to be a great yogi or a Superman (although that may come) or to grab at the Divine for the sake of the ego’s power, pride or pleasure. It is not Moksha though liberation comes by it all else may come, but these must not be our objects. The Divine alone is our object. – Sri Aurobindo

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yoga View

It is difficult to define in a way that satisfies the intellect because it is not a fixed thing. It isn't a thing at all, yet it is at the heart of the experience of yoga. Yoga practice is a means of transformation and that transformation is both deeply personal and universal. The way we see ourselves and the world defines the world in which we live. So in yoga and all sincere spiritual practice, we have to stop and question how we are relating to everything. This stopping means embracing the mysterious and unknown nature of existence. It is the Unknown itself, which gives birth to the yoga view in the individual. Because its origin is always empty, this perspective cannot be contained or owned. The yoga view is a perspective that is beyond any and all fixed ideas and assumptions. So it is free, all-inclusive and always new. Since the yoga view is free of fixed ideas, it kills fundamentalism and gives birth to compassion, understanding, and a profound ongoing curiosity into the nature of life. - The Yogaview